The <Tweet>
component embeds posts to Twitter (also known as X) in Astro projects.
The <Tweet>
component generates a static Twitter card for a single Tweet using Twitter’s oEmbed API.
---import { Tweet } from 'astro-embed';---
<Tweet id="" />
import { Tweet } from 'astro-embed';
<Tweet id="" />
The above code produces the following result:
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Loading Twitter’s JavaScript
By design, <Tweet>
is a minimal component and loads zero JavaScript, only rendering some static HTML content.
However, this HTML is compatible with Twitter’s widget system.
Loading Twitter‘s large bundle of widget JavaScript will convert each <Tweet>
into an interactive embed.
You can do this by including the following <script>
tag in your Astro layout file:
<script async src=""></script>
See an example of <Tweet>
with Twitter‘s JavaScript
Use Twitter’s dark theme
When loading Twitter’s JavaScript, the <Tweet>
card will render with their light theme by default.
You can use their dark theme by setting the theme
---import { Tweet } from 'astro-embed';---
<Tweet theme="dark" id="..." />
See an example of <Tweet>
with Twitter‘s JavaScript and dark theme
Styling the Tweet component
By default the <Tweet>
card has minimal styling, which should adapt to your site’s font settings etc.
You can customise it by targeting the .twitter-tweet
class, for example:
.twitter-tweet { background: floralwhite; color: darkblue; font-family: cursive; font-size: 1.25rem; border: 0;}
.twitter-tweet a { color: purple; font-weight: bold;}
The above styles would render <Tweet>
like this:
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Custom properties API
The <Tweet>
component also supports a minimal API for controlling its styles by setting some CSS custom properties.
:root { /* Control the padding inside the Tweet card. */ --tc-padding: 1em; /* Set the border color of the Tweet card. */ --tc-border-color: #cfd9de;}
Standalone installation
If you only need the <Tweet>
component, you can install the package directly instead of the main astro-embed
npm i @astro-community/astro-embed-twitter
yarn add @astro-community/astro-embed-twitter
pnpm add @astro-community/astro-embed-twitter
The <Tweet>
component can then be imported as:
import { Tweet } from '@astro-community/astro-embed-twitter';